Being a new mom is tough. We know.
All you want is sleep, sleep and more sleep.
Instead it is baby feedings every two hours, nipples that are painfully rubbed raw—and leak—and lots of other fun stuff they never really tell you until you become a mom. Besides feeling like a zombie, there’s the constant diaper changings. When the baby is wide awake, all you want to do is sleep some more.

There are plenty of amazing motherhood moments that make up for the lack of sleep.
One our favorite is when little Leopold, who has a rare disorder which causes severe vision impairment, sees his mother for the first time.
We know motherhood is a lot of joy and fun, but it’s also a whole lot of work.
That’s why we created the SHOLDIT Pocketed Nursing Scarf to make life a little easier, especially if you have to breastfeed in public and want to do it on the sly.

Wear it as infinity scarf, shrug or a clutch purse that can be tucked into your diaper bag. Then drape it over yourself for coverage!
After you’re done, snuggle with your baby, tuck pacifiers and small toys into the secret hidden zipper pocket.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because most babies start to walk between nine and 12 months, and then all bets are off. ;)
Here’s to you being a new mom.